Název ISBN Sklad
Automatická madona 9788087481622 1
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Jiří Hůla, Irena Lehkoživová, Jan Rous, Michal Bauer (ed.) CZ Akropolis 764 2013 18 cm 15,50 cm
599 Kč incl. VAT
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Ra Group Anthology

Group Ra belongs together with Group 42 to the most significant literary and artistic groupings in the Czech culture of the 1940s. At the same time, its work has not yet been given consistent attention, and therefore there is a lack of monographs synthesizing the reception of this group. The present edition offers a representative committee from the poetry of the Ra Group and the Ra Edition (authors such as Zdeněk Šel, Ludvík Kundera, Zdeněk Lorenc, Otta Mizera are represented).
The key anthologies of the 1940s – Torn dolls, A while the war and the eponymous anthology Ra group are thus recalled. The editorial part is complemented by an artistic accompaniment, which offers a summary of relevant works by Václav Zykmund, Josef Istler, Bohdan Lacina, Vilém Reichmann, Václav Tikal and Miloš Koreček. As with the other volumes of the Skrytá moderna edition series, the anthology is presented by a study: here from the pen of the literary historian Michal Bauer, who has already devoted himself to the work of the Ra Group in the forewords and afterwords to Zdenek Lorenc's books Pít z ekko kontra, Nocležna pro romanticismi and Kontinent nichoho.

Author Jiří Hůla, Irena Lehkoživová, Jan Rous, Michal Bauer (ed.)
Language CZ
Publisher Akropolis
Pages 764
Published 2013
Height 18 cm
Width 15,50 cm