Název ISBN Sklad
Disegno Interno – Eva Švankmajerová, Jan Švankmajer 5
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Jan Švankmajer, Richard Drury CZ GASK 287 2024 24 cm 17,50 cm
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The publication DISEGNO INTERNO - Eva Švankmajerová, Jan Švankmajer is published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, which took place from March to August 2024 at the GASK - Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region in Kutná Hora. Just as the exhibition at the GASK does not claim to be an "encyclopaedic" retrospective, this publication does not aim to be a monograph on the life and work of the Czech Surrealists Eva Švankmajerová and Jan Švankmajer. On the contrary, its purpose is to reflect on and document this unique exhibition project, which took place in the year of the 90th birthday of Jan Švankmajer, a world-famous creator of objects, drawings, collages, prints, book illustrations and, of course, films. In addition to a richly illustrated section describing the author's installation of the exhibition, the publication contains texts by the exhibition's curator, Richard Drury, the author of the accompanying programme, Petr Adámek, and the author of the educational programme, Karin Vrátná Militká. There are also texts by Eva Švankmajerová and Jan Švankmajer, which represent a distinctive level of expression related to their visual work.

Author Jan Švankmajer, Richard Drury
Language CZ
Publisher GASK
Pages 287
Published 2024
Height 24 cm
Width 17,50 cm