Název ISBN Sklad
In Japan (1893-94) 9788024620732 1
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Josef Kořenský EN Karolinum 440 2013 24 cm 14,50 cm
286 Kč incl. VAT
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In Japan (1893-94): A Journey Across the World

The original version of this popular travelogue was published in Czech in 1896. Josef Kořenský, a Czech traveller, naturalist and photographer who travelled almost all over the world, set out to acquire ethnographic material for a private collector whose collections later became an essential part of the National Museum.
Josef Kořenský's observations are very rich in information and cover many aspects of Japan at that time - botany, zoology, ornithology, entomology, geology, volcanology and astronomy, as well as religion, history, architecture and culture.

Author Josef Kořenský
Language EN
Publisher Karolinum
Pages 440
Published 2013
Height 24 cm
Width 14,50 cm