Název ISBN Sklad
Kamil Mrva Architects 9788074374319 3
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Petr Volf CZ, EN KANT 558 2024 28,70 cm 24,80 cm
2 290 Kč incl. VAT
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The present monograph, published to commemorate the fiftieth birthday of Kamil Mrva, presents his extensive oeuvre developing across a quarter of a century. The buildings of this successful architect have appeared primarily in the region of the Beskydy Mountains: confirming that it is possible to live in harmony with a landscape’s character and traditions while not being forced to relinquish contemporary aesthetics or comfort. “In this aspect, Kamil Mrva was undoubtedly the pioneer of a new, highly empathetic approach to architecture”, notes author Petr Volf. Particular attention is paid in the book to his work for the small town of Trojanovice, which in the view of the jury for the competition “Local Architect 2023” can “recall a Wallachian parallel to the Swiss village of Vrin, where likewise a single architect, Gion Caminada, has taken long-term, independent, and world-class care of this remote mountain settlement”. It would be hard indeed to find an architect that has had such an unambiguously positive influence on the form of family houses, yet equally schools, sports complexes, retail outlets, tourist information centres, or even industrial buildings or public spaces, as Kamil Mrva has managed to do in the twenty-first century. His work can be encountered in the countryside, in small towns, or even in the metropolises of Ostrava, Brno, or Prague – and outside the Czech Republic, also in Slovakia and Poland. As such, this regional architect has increasingly reached national, indeed even international significance, with his thorough and complex approach inspiring a new generation of practitioners.

Author Petr Volf
Language CZ, EN
Publisher KANT
Pages 558
Published 2024
Height 28,70 cm
Width 24,80 cm