Název ISBN Sklad
Markéta Othová Coming Soon 1
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Adéla Janíčková (ed.) EN National Gallery Prague 144 2022 27,10 cm 21 cm
629 Kč incl. VAT
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The catalogues of the exibition, whitch for the first time presents Makéta Othová's work created fromthe 1990s to the present, includes a selection from a retrospective collection of photographs. Amon other things, it includes essays by theorist Karel Císař, Director of the NGP Collection of Modern and Conterporary Art Michal Novotný, and an interview between Othová and curator Adéla Janíčková. In line with the exbition, the publication presents Markéta Othová's complex creative approach: not only final photographs but also the related artistic processes. The artist is inherently associated with her photographic installations, in whitch a dialogue between the concrete exibition space and the photographs takes place. This distinctive approach is also reflected in the current project: the authorial installation - documented in the catalogue - breaks free form traditional exhibition pronciples.

Author Adéla Janíčková (ed.)
Language EN
Publisher National Gallery Prague
Pages 144
Published 2022
Height 27,10 cm
Width 21 cm