Název ISBN Sklad
Mionší panoramatic 9788074374 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Roman Burda CZ, EN KANT 192 2024 31,20 cm 20,20 cm
1 850 Kč incl. VAT
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Only a few photographers have captured the atmosphere of the unique Mionši forest in their pictures. Josef Sudek has unmistakably portrayed the forest in his photographs - paintings. Roman Burda approached the Mionší forest with similar artistic sensitivity in his poetic photographs. His tribute to the unbridled and unspoilt nature of this nature reserve is presented in the exclusive Mionší panoramatic edition, which consists of two exceptionally aesthetically designed and bravura printed publications.

Author Roman Burda
Language CZ, EN
Publisher KANT
Pages 192
Published 2024
Height 31,20 cm
Width 20,20 cm