Název ISBN Sklad
Modern Kyoto Patterns 0
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Tetsuo Terada JP Seigensha 288 2020 15 cm 11 cm
380 Kč incl. VAT
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The arrival and further development of machine printing in Japan made mass production possible in the field of textiles. In Kyoto, in particular, the period up to the 1970s was when the creation and production of a broad spectrum of new designs that incorporated traditional Japanese motifs, pop culture, and many other influences occurred. This fascinating book presents around 240 designs selected from the enormous collection left by Tetsuro Terada, who was active as a designer during Japan’s golden age of machine printing. With vivid colours and sometimes surprising patterns, the designs are an inspiring visual record of how designing for textiles has changed in the 20th century.

Author Tetsuo Terada
Language JP
Publisher Seigensha
Pages 288
Published 2020
Height 15 cm
Width 11 cm