Název ISBN Sklad
Viliam Malík 1912-2012 9788055608327 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Aurel Hrabušický CZ, EN National Gallery Prague, Slovenská národní galerie 160 2013 29 cm 25,50 cm
790 Kč incl. VAT
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Viliam Malík was the pioneer of modern documentary and reportage photography in Slovakia. 

We can graphically document his transitions from tatic photography to modern dynamic reportage. As an artist, he resisted bias; he knew how to assess situations with human sympathy but also impartiality as if from timeless perspective. This is the fundamental precondition for authentic documentary work. 

Author Aurel Hrabušický
Language CZ, EN
Publisher National Gallery Prague, Slovenská národní galerie
Pages 160
Published 2013
Height 29 cm
Width 25,50 cm