Název ISBN Sklad
Zelený imperativ: Ekologie a etika v designu a architektuře 7
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Victor Papanek CZ Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague 344 2024 20 cm 11 cm
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Zelený imperativ (1995) by designer, educator and design theorist Victor J. Papanek is the second text by the author to be published in KATEDRA EDITION. In Design pro skutečný svět, Papanek defined his concept of socially responsible design practice and uncompromisingly challenged the prevailing approach to design, which is closely tied to commercial corporate reality and consumerism. Zelený imperativ places greater emphasis on ecology, sustainable design, recycling and reuse of designed objects. Both climate change and responsible design practice are among the priorities of contemporary society, and Papanek's lucid, often instructive text is one of the building blocks of critical thinking about the forms and mission of designers' work. 

Author Victor Papanek
Language CZ
Publisher Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Pages 344
Published 2024
Height 20 cm
Width 11 cm